Frequently Asked Questions

We will happily send a representative within one week for the presentation.
JAGWire Systems goes to great lenghts to make sure our systems are safe and secure using 256-bit AES Encryption, and the latest security measures for the applications demands.
A fee may be applied depending on travel distance.
Yes, Outer-Bands Evacuation Management is offered as a client based solution with an additional charge.
Although Outer-Bands Evacuation management systems was designed in the event of a hurricane or tropical cyclone, you can also apply the software to help in earthquakes, gas leaks, train derailment carrying hazardous materials, landslides, floods, large structure evacuations, tornado touchdowns, and wildfire evacs. Outer-Bands provides variety of tools to meet many events.
Yes, ProCAD 2 uses the most updated mapping to show trips and routes while calculating mileages along the way.
Your small business will be able to choose and accept all major credit cards at competitive rates!
JAGWire Systems will not sell its credit card platforms to businesses that are not in legal standings.
Yes, JAGWire has applications that will securley process all major credit cards through a mobile device!


Expand Your Business

We offer competitive priced solutions that will allow your business to grow and expand.

Our Mission

"Provide user-friendly, quality software and backing it with pinnacle customer service."